DARPA Taking Proposals for Developing “Novel or Unique” Attempts at Personal Flying Devices Written 22 March 2021


NASA Puffin concept electrical VTOL aircraft | Credit: NASA; Wikipedia; Public Domain

The Washington Times reports that DARPA “is taking another crack at personal flying devices, inviting companies to send their proposals for developing and demonstrating ‘novel or unique approaches to personal battlefield mobility.’” Officials “said entries could be a modification of existing prototypes – such as the Bell Rocket Belt – or could embrace entirely new designs.” Agency officials also “said the platforms would be used on a variety of missions, including urban combat, search-and-rescue, and deploying special forces troops into a battlefield.” However, the military would “prefer a platform with a low profile,” and a soldier “must be able to assemble it within 10 minutes using only simple tools – or better yet, no tools at all.”
Full Story (Washington Times)