US Space Force to Take Over Operations of Navy, Army Satellites Written 24 June 2021


Illustration of the DSCS-3 satellite. | US Air Force; Wikipedia; Public Domain

Space News reports that in October, the US Space Force “will begin to take over the operation of 11 Navy narrowband communications satellites. It also will absorb Army units that currently operate military communications payloads, a Space Force official said June 23.” The transition “will create a more integrated U.S. military satcom enterprise which for decades has ‘largely been a loose federation,’ said Col. Matthew Holston, commander of Space Delta 8.” In addition to the 11 narrowband communication satellites coming from the Navy, Space Delta 8 also “will absorb three Navy satellite control antennas and ground control stations at Prospect Harbor, Maine; Laguna Peak, California; and Finegayan, Guam.”
Full Story (Space News)