X-56B Uncrewed Aircraft Suffers an “Anomaly” After Takeoff Written 12 July 2021

Simulated flight of the X-56A aircraft. | Credit: United States Air Force; Wikipedia; Public Domain

The Drive reports that on Friday, NASA said that its “experimental X-56B unmanned aircraft suffered what it described as an ‘anomaly.’” The incident occurred at “around 7:30 AM local time at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center, which is collocated with the U.S. Air Force’s Edwards Air Force Base in California. The drone had just taken off when the unspecified fault emerged.” The “current state of the drone, as well as whether it technically crashed, is unclear, but an additional statement that ‘there are no casualties,’ which seems slightly cryptic when discussing a drone and could suggest a hard impact into the ground.” An official statement from officials at the flight research center said that the “investigation is underway and further details will be provided when available.”
Full Story (The Drive)