DoD Official: AGM-183A Slated to Be First US Hypersonic Weapon in Procurement Written 26 July 2021


B-52 out of Edwards Air Force Base carries a prototype AGM-183A for its first captive carry flight. | Credit: U.S. Air Force, Christopher Okula; Wikipedia; Public Domain

National Defense Magazine reported that Mike White, principal director for hypersonics in the office of the undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, recently indicated that the “Air Force’s AGM-183A Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon is poised to be the first hypersonic offensive system to move from development to procurement. ... There will be a number of test flights for ARRW...over the next year with fielding planned in 2022,” according to White. White said at a recent Center for Strategic and International Studies event, “All we need is our industry partner Lockheed Martin to deliver the capability, and then we’ll buy it.”
Full Story (National Defense Magazine)