Rolls-Royce Sees Hydrogen as SAF Future Written 26 May 2023


Airbus hydrogen, turboprop concept. | Source: Airbus–©

Aviation International News reports that hydrogen “may be the fuel of the future, but it’s probably best used to create sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) rather than a direct fuel source for hydrogen-powered aircraft that do not yet exist today.” Rolls-Royce’s Senior Vice President of Strategy Frank Moesta said Wednesday during a panel discussion on novel propulsion at EBACE 2023, “To be honest, I’m not a big fan of thinking about burning hydrogen in an aircraft.” Moesta added that he “would prefer to see hydrogen being used to create eFuels – a synthetic form of SAF – rather than develop aircraft with entirely different propulsion systems.” Moestra explained that eFuel “can be produced locally more easily and sustainably than ordinary SAF, which is made from agricultural feedstocks.” This would make eFuel “more accessible than regular SAF, which is only produced in a handful of facilities around the world today.”
Full Story (Aviation International News)