Patty Chang-Chien
Vice President and General Manager, Boeing Research & Technology
Hsun Chao
Purdue University
Barry Chapman
Vice President, Aerospace & Defense, Federal and Marine Industries, Siemens Digital Industries Software
A.C. Charania
Chief Technologist, NASA
Joel Chavarin
JPL Human Resources
Olivier Chazot
Head of Aeronautics & Aerospace, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
Halle Cheeseman
Program Director, ARPA-E
Igor Cherepinsky
Director, Sikorsky Innovations, Sikorsky Aircraft, a Lockheed Martin Company
Mung Chiang
Dean of Engineering, Purdue University
Dr. Victoria Chibuogu Nneji
Lead Engineer & Innovation Strategist, Edge Case Research
John Choi
Director, Special Purpose UAS Quick Reaction Capability, Special Programs, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems
Ahsan Choudhuri
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, and Associate Vice President and Founding Director, Aerospace Center , University of Texas at El Paso
Carissa Bryce Christensen
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Bryce Space and Technology
Zarrin Chua
Human Factors Engineer, Blue Origin
Wendell Chun
Research Professor, University of Colorado Denver
Timothy Cichan
Chief Architect, Commercial Civil Space, Lockheed Martin
Gokcin Cinar
Research Engineer II, Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL), Georgia Tech
Gökçin Çınar
Research Engineer, Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jonathan Cirtain
Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, BWX Technologies, Inc. (BWXT)
Todd Citron
Chief Technology Officer, The Boeing Company