2025 Nominations and Elections

Welcome to AIAA's Nominations and Elections section. The Institute is currently seeking nominations for AIAA President-Elect, Board of Trustee Member-at-Large, Council Chief, and Council of Directors. Learn more below.

Nominations for AIAA President-Elect

 Nominations for AIAA President-Elect Are Being Accepted Through 14 July 2024

The AIAA Executive Nominating Committee (ENC) will compile a list of potential nominees for the position of AIAA President-Elect. T his list will include nominees who will be selected to go to the next step of competency review (see competencies listed below in AtLarge Nominations section) and interview held by the nominating committee. The ENC will select specific candidates for the position who will be voted on by the AIAA membership. The final slate of candidates will be publicized by December 2024 for the election that will be held January 2025. To nominate an AIAA member in good standing for AIAA President-Elect, please submit the nominee’s bio and/or CV, history of AIAA activities and/or engagement with other professional societies, and a statement from the nominee of willingness and ability to serve if elected, no later than 1800 hrs EDT, 14 July 2024.

Learn More about Nominations for AIAA President-Elect

Nominations for AIAA Board of Trustees – Members-at-Large

 Nominations for AIAA Board of Trustees – Members-at-Large Are Being Accepted Through 14 July

The AIAA Executive Nominating Committee (ENC) will compile a list of potential nominees for the Board of Trustees – Members–At-Large. T he list will include nominees who will be selected to go to the next step of competency review and interview held by the nominating committee. The ENC will select specific candidates for the Institute’s Board of Trustees – Members–At-Large in November 2024. The Board of Trustees – Members–At-Large will be elected by the Council of Directors in January 2025 and announced soon thereafter.

Learn More About Nominations for AIAA Board of Trustees – Members-at-Large

Nominations for AIAA Division Chief

 Nominations for AIAA Division Chief Are Being Accepted Through 14 July

Nominations are being accepted for Chief of the Integration and Outreach Division (IOD). The IOD is the heart and muscle of AIAA’s programmatic and societal activities. These groups cover all programmatic and societal interests of the Institute. Work across technical disciplines to forward innovation in our industry by joining an Integration and Outreach Group. The Chief of the IOD will lead the division and shall be elected by simple majority of the votes cast by the IOD Directors and the Division committees. The Chief will not be a current IOD Director; however, the Chief must have served as an IOD Director in the past. The term of the Chief shall be three years and there shall be a limit of the Chief serving one consecutive term. The final slate of candidates will be publicized by December 2024 for the election that will be held January 2025.

Learn More About Nominations for AIAA Division Chief

Nominations for AIAA Directors

 Nominations for AIAA Directors Are Being Accepted Through 14 July 2024

The AIAA Council of Directors Nominating Committee (CNC) will compile a list of potential nominees for the open Director positions on the AIAA Council of Directors. This list will include nominees who will be selected to go to the next step of competency review held by the nominating committee. The nominating committee will select specific candidates for the open Director positions who will be voted on by the AIAA membership. The final slate of candidates will be publicized by December 2024 for the election that will be held January 2025.

Nominations are being accepted for Regional Directors, Integration and Outreach Directors, and Technical Activities Directors for the term May 2025–May 2028. AIAA members may self-nominate or nominate members qualified for the open position.

Regions coordinate the activities of geographically-related sections to facilitate cooperative efforts between the various geographical areas. A Regional Director shall lead each region. Nominations are being accepted for:

  • Region IV – South Central, Director
  • Region V – Mid-West, Director

For more information on AIAA regions and sections, visit https://www.aiaa.org/get-involved/regions-sections.

Integration and Outreach Groups coordinate the activities  of related Integration and Outreach Committees to facilitate cooperative efforts between the various professional areas. Nominations are being accepted for:

  • Aerospace Outreach Group, Director
  • Integration Group, Director
  • Young Professionals Group, Director-Elect

For more information on AIAA integration and outreach, visit aiaa.org/get-involved/committees-groups/Integration-and-Outreach-Division-Committees.

Technical Groups coordinate the activities of related technical committees to facilitate cooperative efforts between the various technical disciplines. Nominations are being accepted for:

  • Information Systems Group, Director
  • Propulsion & Energy Group, Director

For more information on AIAA technical activities, visit aiaa.org/get-involved/committees-groups/technical-committees

Learn More about Nominations for AIAA Directors


Please direct any questions to Susan Silva, AIAA Governance and Executive Operations Administrator at .